Windows explorer expand all folders

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Here’s a detailed (as in: step by step, and with images) walkthrough to get things rolling: Tweaking Windows Explorer’s folder view to automatically expand to current folder in navigation pane is a simple and straightforward affair, and in essence, a matter of a few clicks. How To Expand To Current Folder In Navigation Pane In Windows 10? Sounds promising, right? Time to find out how to expand to current folder in navigation pane, in Windows 10. You can do some further tweaking to not only display a listing of all the sub-folders in a directory (or drive partition) in a tree like structure, but also automatically expand to current folder in navigation pane. However, as it turns out, that’s not the end of it. The navigation pane consists of direct shortcuts to major system locations (default libraries, drive partitions etc.) that can be used to quickly jump from one place to another.

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The navigation pane is an essential part of the Windows Explorer, and makes for a better and overall engaging user experience. This tutorial describes how to automatically expand to the current folder in the navigation pane in Windows 10.